Why patient stories help your dental practice website stand out

Whether you’re looking for more dental patients, more treatments, more referrals or simply just to make your dental website more patient-focused, adding patient stories can be a great place to start.
Consumers in general are so much savvier these days. We all do our research online before buying…whether that be a phone, a holiday or a dental treatment. Finding out as much information as we can before buying is commonplace, but we also want to hear what other people think. What was their experience, and would they recommend it?
Patients looking for dental treatments online are no different. They aren’t just looking for facts and figures; they are looking for reassurance. They want to know if anyone else has had the same treatment at your dental practice, what they felt about their experience and how their life has changed since completing the treatment. That’s why having real patients with real stories on your dental website is so valuable, to not only inform about the treatment and your expertise, but to reassure them and create trust.
How to use stories on your website
People remember stories that resonate with their experiences and challenges. Written testimonials and reviews are the first and most commonly used way of sharing these stories with your audience. However, video testimonials of your own happy dental patients are a modern and really powerful way to share their experiences, telling the story of how their lives have changed for the better post-treatment. Video can also enable you to convey a lot of information in a fast and patient-friendly way. After all, it is said that 1 minute of video is equal to 1.8 million written words!
Patient stories act as word-of-mouth recommendations and are a trusted and effective way of giving patients a glimse of what their journey will be like at your dental practice. These video testimonials can be very powerful when done right. Your patients will beam with confidence when talking about how your treatment has given them their smile back. They will describe how you exceeded their expectations in delivering the best quality, innovative treatment that has ultimately allowed them to smile with confidence again.