Ambridge Ceramics - Mdot Marketing

Ambridge Ceramics

Ambridge Ceramics is a state-of-the-art laboratory, delivering digital dentistry alongside traditional lab work. The lab owner’s ambition is to become a key player in the digital lab market. He asked us to support him by creating blogs, articles and supporting him with his social media.

What we did:

  • A full business exploration
  • Created a marketing proposal to deliver the client’s objectives
  • Developed key messages to support their positioning as a key player in the digital lab market
  • Created a Trello board to assist the client with organic posting, focusing on high quality posts to inform dentists of the benefits of the digital workflow in delivering a better patient experience and outcome
  • Wrote educational blog articles to promote services such as: ‘Digital Smile Design’ and the ‘Digital Workflow’, ‘ SmartGuide System’ as well as articles such as ‘Top Tips on the benefits of Intra Oral Scanners’