Are we engaging in a better way – working separately from one another?!
As I write, I am sat in my office at my desk in the knowledge that this will be my last day here for some time as schools are closing for the foreseeable future. We are in unchartered territory and by the time you read this, the business landscape may look quite different; especially for us small and medium sized enterprises.
What steps have you taken to adapt to working from home?
At the beginning of the week, our Spanish intern packed her things to move back to Spain to be with her family, but her internship continues with her working remotely so she may pass her degree. To continue to service our clients and to help deliver their daily changing communications to their customers, we carried out a Zoom call (like Skype) between the UK and Spain to plan the social media and e-comms schedule. We were able to share screens to run through each client’s account and prioritise for the day ahead. In spite of the distance between us, I found that I was managing my intern far more effectively than when she was sat three feet away from me, with my only concern that it may feel like I’m micromanaging – but working in an agile way is crucial at this time.
So how have things been for you?
In an effort to support our clients, we’ve been in regular contact to help and advise in the best way we can, and it’s been comforting to know we are helping in a small way. We’d love to hear your experiences, so get in touch on Instagram and Facebook @mdotmarketinguk or, for any support call me: Emma Owen on: 07901 662 630 or visit our website